98-Year-Old Church Finalizes Buyout Deal; Falcons One Step Closer to Securing Stadium Site

The congregation of Mt. Vernon Baptist Church in Atlanta overwhelmingly approved a buyout deal for its property late Thursday.

It means a 98-year-old church is moving and the Atlanta Falcons are one step closer to securing a new stadium site just south of the Georgia Dome.

Church members said the deal was sealed by a 116-16 vote. Mt. Vernon will get $14.5 million to relocate – $6.2 million from the state, the rest from the Falcons.

After the vote, as he exited the church with his family in tow, Mt. Vernon pastor Rodney Turner said he was pleased.

“Even though it wasn’t an unanimous decision, church was still unified tonight and I think we all walk away together on the same accord.”

But his mood was tempered by the weight of the decision.

“There are a lot of people here who have strong ties, who have been members for a real long time and we’re very sensitive, all of us, to that. This is a sensitive time.”

Vicky Johnson, a member of the church for more than 50 years, voted against it.

“It is appalling for the city to consider desecrating the sacred ground of two historic black churches to build a stadium facility for a second rate football team.”

Others who opposed it said they’d have to pray about whether to remain with the church.

Despite that, most were in good spirits.

Barbera Ushery Polk, a member for nearly 20 years, said the deal seemed fair.

“The community is changing so this a time for us to move. The church is still within us and the church is still going to be within us wherever we relocate to.”

Pastor Turner said the church is considering several locations, including a site at nearby Mim’s Park. Not up for debate is whether they move out of the community.

“Vine City, English Avenue. 98 years we have been here. This is where we have anchored ourselves and this is where the help is needed,” said Turner.

Meanwhile, the congregation of the other church on the south site – Friendship Baptist – is expected to vote on its buyout deal Sunday. It’s the last major hurdle for the Falcons to secure the south site.