Campaign for Transportation Tax Ramps Up Across Metro Atlanta

An advertising blitz for July’s transportation sales tax referendum is ramping up across metro Atlanta.

Former Atlanta Mayor Sam Massell, now president of the Buckhead Coalition, says the referendum is the region’s most important since the decision to build MARTA.

“For MARTA I went up in a helicopter over the expressways with a bullhorn saying ‘you want to get out this mess, vote yes.’ This being the Bible Belt I think people thought God was telling them what to do,” said Massell. “I don’t know if I go that far with this but we feel this is not just an improvement, but  a necessity.”

TV and radio spots have already hit the airwaves. With fundraising going better than expected, supporters say the next phase will focus on direct advocacy.

“I think there are a lot of great selling points but the accountability measures that are put in there with the citizen oversight committee, the annual audits, everything transparent , uploaded online, where a citizen can see if a project is on time,” said Paul Bennecke, the lead strategist tasked with selling the penny sales tax to voters.

The campaign is organized by business and civic groups. It includes new TV, web, and radio ads, billboards, direct mail, and door-to-door canvassing.