Grady launches marketing campaign

Last month, Grady Memorial Hospital launched a marketing campaign that’s being featured on billboards, buses and the radio. This week the hospital is rolling out a series of television ads.

In one of the TV ads, Estela Munoz tells about her daughter Mina who was born 13 weeks premature.

“She was 12 inches long and 1 pound 4 ounces, so she could fit in the palm of your hand. We owe Mina’s life to Grady.”

The ads also feature a woman whose life was saved after a highway accident, a boy who received surgery after being severely burned, and a man who suffered a major stroke but was home within days. Grady Senior Vice President of Planning and Marketing Lindsay Caulfield says the hospital is undertaking the campaign in hopes of introducing a broader patient population to Grady.

“People don’t realize what Grady has to offer, so by us embarking on this ad campaign we’re able to kind of highlight that exceptional medical talent and that medical proficiency and the experience you will get here.”

Caulfield says even though Grady is looking to attract additional patients, the hospital remains committed to serving the uninsured and the underinsured. Caulfield would not disclose how much Grady is spending on the marketing campaign, but says it’s significantly less than a 2010 campaign which cost the hospital approximately $1.5 million dollars.