Menopause Map Helps Women Decide On Treatment Options

Officials behind a website designed to help women better understand their menopause treatment options are calling it a first-of-its kind.

Dr. Cynthia Stuenkel says a recent poll found many women weren’t getting any therapy or talking to their doctors.

“So we thought maybe this map would give them a tool, they can print off their answers, get something in hand so when they go back to see their doctor they kind of have a springboard for that conversation about what’s best for them,” says the longtime endocrinologist.

Stuenkel is with the University of California, San Diego and helped develop the map.

Now women can log onto to, type in menopause map says Dr.  Stuenkel and answer a series of questions, “yes/no, I don’t know is an option to put down and I think that’s important if they need to go back and find out more information either their health history or family history.”

Dr. Stuenkel says some women may not need any treatment but they should make sure to discuss menopause hormone therapy with their doctors.