Atlanta Public Schools Plan Massive Job Cuts

Nearly 500 jobs will be eliminated as the Atlanta Public Schools looks to reduce spending due.

Reasons for the terminations include enrollment shifts over the past decade and the recent school closings due to redistricting.

That’s what the APS board members discussed during Monday night’s meeting as the district readies for the next school year.

The proposed cuts outlined by the district’s chief financial officer are necessary due to a decline in revenue.

For the fiscal year 2012, APS received $603 million but that fell by $47 million for the current fiscal year.

The plan includes eliminating teacher jobs, information technology, bus driver and custodial positions.

Many of the custodial jobs will be outsourced.

The APS board won’t vote on the official budget until next month.

If approved the cuts go into effect June 30th.

Until then, district officials plan to hold a series of community meetings on the proposed budget for the upcoming school year.