She Works For Hard The Money, Internet Job Website Values Mom’s Work

A recent survey estimated the value of the work for stay- at-home moms and working moms.

8,000 moms were surveyed.

WABE’s Rose Scott reports you may want to keep that in mind if still looking for a Mother’s Day gift:

She’s works hard for the money even if mom doesn’t get a weekly check for doing all those mom things.

Abby Euler is the general manager for

She says they’ve been able to calculate the value of the work that moms do.

“We have twenty jobs that make up what we think moms put into their day and that ranges from being a housekeeper, being a cook or being a nanny to the not so obvious of doing the financials, running a computer to being the CEO of the household,” says Euler.

Factors like location and city size were also considered.

So, for all the Atlanta stay-at-home moms and working moms here’s your annual salary,

“the actual number is $112, 802 dollars and working moms of Atlanta is $66, 885,” according to the data configured by

If you want to calculate what your mom is worth and print out an imitation check, it can be done at