Douglasville Mayor Vetoes Sunday Sales Measure

Douglasville residents might not get a say on Sunday alcohol sales. The city’s mayor vetoed a measure that would put the issue on the November ballot.

Douglasville Mayor Harvey Persons says he decided to veto the measure because he believes Sunday sales would be a detriment to public safety in the city.

“The facts both state, county and city bear it out. We’ve had three fatalities in the last year in the county by an excessive use of alcohol or DUIs, and I don’t see what the benefit of it to changing it. It’s working like it is.

Persons also says he chose to veto the Sunday sales initiative after hearing from many residents.

“The public input that I’ve received both from phone calls, emails and personal one-on-ones have exhibited that they really had rather not see it put on the ballot.”

The Douglasville City Council could vote to override the veto as early as Monday. More than 100 cities and counties voted on Sunday sales initiatives last year…after state lawmakers and the Governor agreed to allow local communities to weigh in on the issue.