Seat belt usage drops at night

At this time every year, police and sheriff’s departments across Georgia increase their enforcement of seat belt usage. The so-called “Click It or Ticket” campaign is around the clock. However, the enforcement steps up at night.

The University of Georgia says 93% of drivers in the state wear seat belts behind the wheel.

“However, we know that number goes down at night,” said Georgia Governor’s office of Highway Safety director Harris Blackwood.

“After 9 o’clock at night, 69% of the fatalities that occur involve persons who are not wearing a seat belt,” said Blackwood.

Blackwood suspects drivers think enforcement of Georgia’s seat belt law eases at night. That’s why he says police officers and sheriff’s deputies will be stationed at popular intersections at night with light towers powered by generators. Driving without a seat belt in Georgia is a $15 dollar fine. That’s not a lot. But, Blackwood argues the hassle behind paying the fine is enough to force people to wear their seat belts.