Oprah Winfrey Gives Keynote to Spelman College Graduates

Spelman College’s 125th commencement ceremony took place Sunday, May 20th.

More than five hundred bachelor’s degrees were handed out.

Winfrey reminded the graduates that their years of hard work are to be shared with those that were lynched, beaten and marched for civil rights.

“They knew they were planting seeds for the free that would bear fruit that is now you, this is their day as well,” Winfrey said.

Reflecting on her own struggles and achievements, Winfrey stressed the importance of maintaining positive influences.

Winfrey said, “my greatest advice to you is to surround yourself with people who are going to fill your until your cup runneth over so when people say you’re so full of yourself you can yeah.”

In challenging the Spelman 2012 class, Winfrey said to “know who you are, find a way to serve, always do what’s right and be excellent.”

“And when they see you coming it ought to make them proud, they say it’s the click of your heels, it’s the bend of your hair, it’s the palm of your hand it’s the need for your care, cause you a woman, you’re a Spelman woman…”