Georgia House Passes Amended Gun Bill

Georgia House members overwhelmingly approved an amended Senate bill, 116-55, aimed at expanding the rights of licensed gun owners.

Senate Bill 101 is a consolidation of three previously introduced bills.

In the latest version, gun-carry areas would extend to parts of public college campuses, grade schools, and some government buildings. 

Meanwhile, several notable elements from previous bills have been dropped, including those involving expanded gun access in churches, bars, and courthouses

Rep. Jason Spencer (R- Woodbine) said he’s come to terms with the compromises.

“I would like to see concealed weapons carriers be able to carry into a bar. However, you can’t go against the wishes of the property owner,” said Spencer.

The bill also makes it easier for people who have been treated for mental illness to get a gun license. Currently, people who have voluntarily checked themselves into treatment must get a judge to sign off before allowed a gun permit.

Under the bill, a judge couldn’t deny the permit.

The vote went along party lines, with Republicans supportive and Democrats opposed.

Rep. Dee Dawkins Hagler (D-Lithonia) said she’s particularly concerned about allowing guns in parts of college campuses.

“More guns in public places create more violence. Children have been dying in Georgia for as long as we can remember from gun violence. It’s up to us to be responsible policymakers and I think we are being very irresponsible.”

Under the current bill, guns would not be permitted at college sporting events or in student dormitories. 

The amended bill still needs to be approved by the full Senate. After that, it’ll likely head to a conference committee of Senate and House members, where the final version will be hammered out.