Lake Lanier Close to Full Summer Pool

It looks like more Georgians will be able to enjoy Lake Lanier this summer.  

Thanks to the recent rain, the lake has almost reached its full summer pool level. 

Hear the broadcast version of this story.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers manages Lake Lanier’s water supply. Spokesperson Rob Holland says steady rainfall has put Lanier in good shape as summer approaches.

“It’s supposed to be at elevation 1071, that’s feet above sea level, by June 1,” Holland says, “And it’s at 1070.75 today. So, there’s a good chance it will be at full pool by June 1.”

Joanna Cloud is the executive director of the Lake Lanier Association. She says residents have also helped.

“We’re better at conserving,” Cloud says, “And that is a huge blessing and a huge effort that has taken place among everybody in the system and it needs to continue.”

If the good conditions continue, Lake Lanier should be ready for the first influx of visitors on Memorial Day weekend.