Deadline Looms for Suspended DeKalb School Board Members

Jonathan Shapiro / WABE News

Friday is the deadline for six suspended members of the DeKalb County school board to ask the governor to re-instate them. Hear the broadcast version of this story.

So far, five of the six members have applied for reinstatement. They are: Sarah Copelin-Wood, Jesse Cunningham, Donna Edler, Pam Speaks, and former board chair Eugene Walker. Cunningham told WABE last month he planned to petition the governor.

“I believe in the legal process and everybody having due process,” Cunningham said, “I can only look at the last six years and my performance.”

Edler says she’s exercising her legal rights.

“The governor may remove, may replace, and may reinstate,” Edler says, “And that’s all part of the process. And so part of that process is to complete the process.”

Hearings are the next step. Governor Deal has designated administrative law judge Max Woods to conduct hearings for the suspended members who submitted petitions.