Georgia State Univ. Improves Graduation Rates

Georgia State University’s graduation rates are better than they’ve been in decades, school officials say. 

They credit a series of initiatives, big and small, which are helping bolster student success.  

For example, the school found some students dropped out because they were a few hundred dollars short on tuition.  So-called “bridge grants” are helping solve that problem.

Another initiative involves adding academic advisors who monitor students’ progress early in the semester.  If there’s a problem, they can help work it out before a student gets too far behind in class.

GSU president Mark Becker says the results are tangible.

“Graduation rates have gone up 10 points in just the last five years. But we’re not declaring victory and going home.”

Those graduation rates used to be in the low 30s.  Now, they’re in the 50s.

Becker says GSU’s goal is to get rates into the 60-percent range and better.