Gwinnett School Board Considers Property Tax Rate Increase

Gwinnett County Public Schools

The Gwinnett County School Board is considering a plan to raise property taxes. If approved, it would be the first increase in eight years.

The board is considering a total millage rate increase of 1.3 mills. That would mean approximately $101 more per year for those living in a $200,000 dollar home. Rick Cost is the Chief Financial officer for the district. He says the plan has been proposed to help avoid teacher furlough days, add school resource officers and repay bonds used for constructing classrooms.

“Really the board and the superintendent have done their best to delay what some would seem as the inevitable and really was with the downturn in the economy, any increase in the millage rate.”

Cost says since 2008, the school system has received 26 percent less in property tax revenue. However, despite the declines, he says the board has been able to balance the budget without laying off teachers. But he says teachers have had to take furlough days and forgo pay raises for the last three years.

“We would hope the taxpayers will see the results, the great job our teachers are doing and see this as a way to really reward our teachers.”

Cost says without the increase, board members would have to consider larger class sizes and another year of teacher furlough days. Board members are expected to vote on the proposal on June 20th.