Conference Addresses Business Side of Affordable Care Act

Jim Burress / WABE News

Lots of businesses are unsure what changes mandated in the Affordable Care Act will mean to their bottom line. A broadcast version of this story


Answering those questions was at the heart of a health care conference put on Wednesday by the Georgia Chamber.

Marilyn Tavenner, head of the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, gave the keynote address.

She told the few hundred attendees at the Georgia Tech Conference Center she avoids calling the law by name.

“When I don’t talk about that, and I actually talk about what we’re trying to do, people start to nod their heads and go ‘OK, this makes some sense.’”

What the law is supposed to do is lower healthcare costs, increase access, and improve quality.

But Tavenner indicated she understands why some remain skeptical.

“It’s not a perfect law, for sure.  It needs some modification,” she said, calling on stakeholders to come together and work on modifications.

Shawn Still, owner of Olympic Pools in Norcross, listened to Tavenner in hopes she would better explain the coming changes.  

“I think she did a terrific job of framing the issue,” he said.  ”But I don’t think she was at a point where she could give us answers and solutions about how to deal with it.”  

Still says with less than six months until the provisions take effect, he’d hoped for more.