Theater of the Stars in Danger of Closing

Theater of the Stars is in danger of closing. The Atlanta-based professional theater company has been in existence for 60 years and has been performing at the Fox since 1984.

This week, the theater company announced it’s not moving forward with a production of Buddy – the Buddy Holly Story. The production was scheduled from July 9 through July 14. Theater of the Stars Vice President Brian D. Frey says the cancelation is due to low advance ticket sales and financial difficulties due to the economy. He also says a loan the organization was counting on fell through.

“Our financial troubles are in line with other arts organizations that have suffered in the last 5-10 years because of the economic downturn. We’ve been carrying significant debt. We’ve been trying to work through these problems throughout the economy, throughout the situation.”

In May, Nick Manos resigned as company President.

After his departure, Frey says a new management team was put in place, the organization moved into smaller offices and has been working with its creditors.

But he says Theater of the Stars needs to raise $500,000 dollars.

“If we don’t get to that benchmark by July 12 we will absolutely shut our doors.”

Frey also says the theater company needs to raise an additional 500-thousand dollars by August 30.

Fox Theatre President and CEO Allen Vella says the Fox Theatre is worried about the theater company’s financial troubles and the cancelation of Buddy- the Buddy Holly Story.

“It concerns us because one of the organizations we do business with may cease to operate.”

But Vella is hopeful the Theater company can turn things around.

“They’re a great Atlanta institution and they’ve been a big part of the Atlanta arts scene, so we all hope they’re successful reaching their goals and they continue to operate.”

In the meantime, Vella says the Fox is exploring potential backup options for Theater of the Stars’ productions.

Customers who purchased single tickets for Buddy – the Buddy Holly Story at the Fox Theatre ticket office or a Fox Theatre outlet should contact the Fox Theatre ticket office for a full refund.