State Dems Fire Political Director Rashad Richie

Democratic Party of Georgia

Rashad Richie is no longer an employee of the Democratic Party of Georgia, confirmed interim director Nikema Williams Friday.  To hear an audio version of this story, click the 'Listen' icon above.

She said there are “several reasons” for his firing.

“Since it’s a personnel issue, I don’t want to comment what the reasons were for the termination,” Williams told WABE.

Williams said an executive assistant also resigned, leaving the organization with six full-time employees.

The firing is the latest in a string of bad publicity for the states’s democratic party. 

Former director Mike Berlon left earlier this month amid legal problems.  And the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports the party had just $15,000 in its bank account in May.

Williams said the party has multiple bank accounts, and that she’s unsure which account the article referred to. 

Asked how much money the party has on-hand, she also said she’s “unsure.”

Despite the controversy, Williams said the party has regrouped and is focused on winning seats in 2014.

“We have support around the state, and people are enthused about the Democratic Party and our future.”   

Attempts to reach Rashad Richie were unsuccessful.