Lower Bills Expected for Cobb EMC Customers

177,000 Cobb EMC residential customers could soon see slightly lower monthly bills.

The reduction on customer bills comes after Cobb Electric Membership Corporation’s board of directors recently approved a 1-mill reduction in the wholesale power adjustment.

The wholesale power adjustment represents the variations of fuel costs and plant operations experienced throughout the year. As a result of the rate decrease, the average customer is expected to save nearly $14 per year. Mark Justice is Associate Vice President of Education and Community Relations for Cobb EMC.

“The lower natural gas costs that’s really the primary reason right now…The costs have come down and that allows us to get a better price. It’s something they’re always looking at and as fuel costs change there is always that possibility that they’ll be able to find a way to reduce the rates.”

The average monthly bill for a Cobb EMC customer is nearly $130.