Economic Forecaster Says Georgia’s Low Per Capita Income Ranking Not the Whole Story

Rajeev Dhawan, Director of the Economic Forecasting Center at Georgia State University – CREDIT GEORGIA STATE UNIVERSITY-ROBINSON COLLEGE OF BUSINESS

Some new figures from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis show Georgia has slipped to 40th among the states in per capita income.

Within days, the new numbers were cited by Dalton Mayor David Pennington, when he announced his intention to challenge Governor Nathan Deal for the Republican gubernatorial nomination in 2014.

But Georgia State University economic forecaster Rajeev Dhawan says the per capita income rankings must be taken with “a grain of salt.”

Dhawan spoke with WABE’s Denis O’Hayer.

(A note of disclosure:  Rajeev Dhawan is a member of the board of the Atlanta Educational Telecommunications Collaborative, which operates Public Broadcasting Atlanta.)