Porter to Run for Georgia Democratic Party Chair

Former Georgia House Minority Leader and gubernatorial candidate DuBose Porter says he’ll run for state Democratic Party chairman. Georgia Democrats have been without a permanent chair since Mike Berlon resigned in May.Hear the audio version of this story.

  Berlon stepped down after receiving a suspension from the Georgia Bar Association and a reprimand from the state Supreme Court for alleged ethics violations.

Steve Anthony is a former executive director for the Party and a current lecturer at Georgia State University. He says the field of nominees, which includes former state Sens. Doug Stoner and Mary Squires, is pretty strong.

“DuBose will be a formidable candidate, as will Mr. Stoner,” he says, “It will really depend on contacts and so forth and what they’ve all done for each other and then their individual vision that they will lay out.”

Anthony says the chair will need to be able to raise money, reinvigorate voters, and befriend the business community.

“One of the biggest problems the Democrats have encountered in this last decade is they have lost the ability to open doors,” Anthony says.

Calls to DuBose Porter were not returned by air time. A Party committee will elect the new chair August 31.