New President Hired for Grady Health Foundation

Grady Memorial Hospital is hiring Renay Blumenthal to serve as President of the Grady Health Foundation. The Foundation  raises private funding for Grady. Blumenthal currently serves as senior vice president of public policy for the Metro Atlanta  Chamber.

As Foundation president, Blumenthal’s primary responsibility will be to spearhead fundraising for capital expenses, patients and Grady programs.

“I just see this as a wonderful opportunity to give back to the community where I was born and raised and to have a central role in the future of such a critical asset to this region as Grady.”

During her 10 years at the Chamber, Blumenthal’s work on the Greater Grady Task Force helped lead to a $325 million dollar infusion of cash for the hospital. She also previously served as budget chief to former Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin and policy director to former Governor Roy Barnes and former Governor Zell Miller.

“That’s one of the strengths that I think that I bring to the role is my very deep and varied relationships and maybe bring some different constituency groups to the table that have not heretofore been involved in Grady.”

Last year, Grady had a positive cash flow of $20 million dollars. This year, the hospital is projected to lose $9 million. Blumenthal will begin serving as Foundation President in early September.