Overall End-of-Course Test Scores Improve, Save Math


Overall, Georgia public high school students improved their performance this year on end-of-course tests. However, a new math course proved more difficult than most.Hear the audio version of this story.

91%  of students passed the end-of-course test for American Literature.  83% passed physics. 79% mastered Economics. But Matt Cardoza, a spokesperson for the Georgia Department of Education, says just 37% passed coordinate algebra, a new math course.

“This is the first year that we’ve had that this new coordinate algebra course,” Cardoza says, “And we went ahead and aligned that test to the more rigorous standards that we know are coming with testing in the future. So, we saw a lower passage rate, but I think that number will increase as kids and teachers get more comfortable with it.”

Starting in the 2014-2015 school year, the federal government will require states to increase test rigor and raise the minimum scores needed to pass. Cardoza says that could mean scores will dip in most subjects.