Norman the Scooter Dog Sets Guinness World Record

Karen Cobb

Your dog can shake hands. Your dog can play dead. But can your dog ride a scooter?

Today at 9am at All Tournament Players Park in Marietta, 3 year old French Sheep dog, Norman, rolled his way into the Guinness World Records by traveling 30 meters just under 20 seconds. Starting his scooter career at only 12 weeks old, Cobb says Norman was a natural on two wheels.

Owner Karen Cobb of Cherokee County remembers the pup’s first moment behind the handle bars.

“We just had him in the backyard with kids, puppies. And we’re used to puppies introducing him to all new objects, certainly not fearful, and we just had him jump up on the scooter, and he loved it.”

While he may be famous for his scooter-rides, Norman has an assemblage of tricks in his repertoire such as surfing, riding a bike, wiping his mouth after drinking water, and cleaning his feet when he comes in the door.

Cobb and Norman chose Road Trip Home Animal Rescue as their designated charity. They have been working to rescue animals from high kill shelters in Georgia.

After weeks of preparation, owner Karen Cobb says that both she and Norman are delighted about the achievement.

“We got there. He did one practice run early on, and then we rested until it was time to go. And he came out, and he did his thing. He stayed on, he didn’t jump off, he didn’t crash, so we feel it was very successful.”

Norman the Scooter Dog can be seen on the third season of the Hallmark channel series, Who Let the Dogs Out?.