Georgia One of Eight States with Parasitic Disease Outbreak

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta is investigating an outbreak of the parasitic disease, cyclosporiasis, in eight states including Georgia.

A broadcast version of this story

The parasite has made more than 250 people sick and has put ten in the hospital. Two cases have been reported in Georgia.

The cause of most past outbreaks in the United States has been fresh produce contaminated with fecal matter.

Investigators are now trying to determine the source of this outbreak and whether the cases in the eight states are related.

CDC epidemiologist Barbara Herwaldt says the investigation focuses on patient interviews. “The interviews are so key to figuring out what may have caused it,” says Herwaldt. “So it’s very important to compare what people ate or drank or where they went: the exposures of people who got ill with people who didn’t get ill.”

The primary symptom is a case of diarrhea that lasts several days. Some people also experience flu-like symptoms.

Dr. Herwaldt says the test to diagnose cyclosporiasis is not standard, so if you think you have it, you should tell your doctor.

The good news: the treatment is commonly-available antibiotics.