Governor Deal Holds Firm on Restricting Elective Abortions


Governor Nathan Deal today reiterated his stance on the state’s health insurance plan that will not cover elective abortions.

Last week the state Department of Community Health voted to restrict elective abortions unless the mother’s life is at risk.

WABE’s Rose Scott has more from the Governor.

After DCH voted 5-3 in favor of the plan, Governor Deal said the vote, “shows our state’s commitment to reducing the number of abortions in our state by ensuring that state taxpayers aren’t paying for a procedure that many find morally objectionable.”

When asked about Georgians that might object to their taxes paying for other state practices such as executions.

The governor countered that state law deals with capital punishment and the issue of coverage is left up to DCH.

And in this matter, Deal admitted the “board’s judgment call” was under his recommendation.

“Well, we have a state law that deals with how we deal with capital punishment…yes that’s correct”

Deal went on to say that an elective abortion would still be an option under the plan, but at a cost to the employee.

Beginning January 1st in 2014, Georgia’s largest health insurance provider, Blue Cross Blue Shield, will administer the state’s plan.