Report: Georgia Ranked 20th Most Obese State

F as in Fat: How Obesity Threatens America’s Future

According to a new report F as in Fat: How Obesity Threatens America’s Future by the Trust for America’s Health by the Trust for America’s Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Georgia is the 20th most obese state in the nation. The state’s ranking is four spots higher than last year, but the authors of the report say Georgia is holding relatively steady when it comes to obesity.

In last year’s report, which examined 2012 numbers,  28 percent of Georgia’s adults were considered obese.  In the report this year, the rate inched up to just above 29 percent. Albert Lang is a spokesman for the Trust for America’s Health.

“States above them fell down a little bit but it’s all kind of in the margin of error at this point, so there’s not too much difference between where they were last year and where they are this year. The state has definitely been one of the pictures of holding steady over the last few years.”

But even though the state’s rate is not increasing by leaps and bounds, Lang says it’s still relatively high.  

“13 states have over 30 percent, so they’re really knocking on that door to become another state that’s above 30 percent, so it’s kind of a huge portion of the population.”

The data comes on the heels of an encouraging report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which found obesity is declining among Georgia’s low-income children between the ages of two to four.