More Job Growth Expected for Metro Atlanta

The majority of major metropolitan areas in the U.S.—–320 of 372, to be exact—–have seen employment numbers rise from July of 2012 to last month.

That’s according to the latest data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

“The Atlanta metropolitan area is really in the middle of the pack when it comes to job growth and job creating right now,” says Jim Link, the managing director of employment services provider Randstad.

An audio version of this story.

Link says metro Atlanta’s employment numbers will likely continue to rise for the rest of the year. 

He’s basing his prediction on growth seen in a few major sectors.

“Construction, of course, creates jobs.  Retail and hospitality increases spending from a consumer perspective…..and then, finally there are many things going on from a regulatory perspective with health care right now and we expect all of those to continue to rise as we look toward the end of the year.”

The unemployment rate for metro Atlanta in July was eight-point-six percent.

That’s down nearly a full point from last July, but it’s still above the national average, which is seven-point-four.