Catholic Priests Push For Immigration Overhaul

Metro Atlanta’s Catholic priests preached a uniform message over the weekend in pushing for immigration reform, part of a nationwide effort by the church to back a path to citizenship.As heard on the radio

Atlanta Archbishop Wilton G. Gregory penned a letter last week to every parish in the archdiocese asking each priest to speak about immigration. He also sent letters to the diocese’s congressmen asking them to support an overhaul.

Archbishop Gregory said that as a leader in the Catholic Church, he has a moral obligation to push for an immigration overhaul.

“I am obliged to do what even those who say I should speak only about scripture. I am obliged to do it, because there it is to be found.”

By a vote of 68 to 32, the Democratic-led U.S. Senate passed a bill in June permitting a pathway to citizenship. It’s scheduled to be taken up by the Republican-led House later this year – where it has received an icy reception from lawmakers.

But immigration reform could be put on hold, this time due to the Syrian conflict and another vote on raising the debt limit.

Archbishop Gregory says the issue can’t be put off until next year.

“That would be an absolute travesty, to allow these people – 12 million people – to not have some way of having their status regularized.”

The church’s push for reform will continue through the next few weeks.