Atlanta City Officials Say Deal Close With Remaining Stadium Church

City of Atlanta

Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed has reportedly found private money to help secure a deal with the remaining church on the preferred site for a new Atlanta Falcons stadium.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports $14.5 million has been offered to buyout Mt. Vernon Baptist Church.

City and church officials declined to comment Thursday, but in a city council committee meeting this week, the mayor’s chief operating officer, Duriya Farooqui, said a deal was close.

 “A site has not been finalized but we feel good about the progress made on the south site. I think we’re close to passing some significant milestones,” said Farooqui.

This summer, Mt. Vernon Baptist Church rejected the state’s final $6.2 million buyout offer. Since then, Reed and former Atlanta mayor Andrew Young have helped negotiate with the church and raise private funds.

Reed prefers building the stadium at a site just south of the Georgia Dome due its proximity to MARTA rail stations and ease of access to downtown Atlanta.

Farooqui said the city and Falcons officials hope to conclude talks with the church soon.

“I think by the end of next week we should have a clear update,” said Farooqui.

Mount Vernon’s congregation must ultimately approve any agreement reached between the city and church leaders.