Atlanta Housing Prices “Rebalancing,” Analyst Says

Real estate experts say Atlanta’s housing sector is in the process of “rebalancing.”

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That shift toward a more normal growth rate comes one year after our long-frigid housing market began to heat up.  

Several factors are forcing Atlanta’s on-again, off-again market to retreat says Redfin real estate economist Ellen Haberle.

“Buyers are frustrated with the low level of inventory,” she says.  ”There’s slim pickins out there.”

Foreclosures are down, new construction up, and many investors have moved on, scared away by higher prices.

But Haberle says increasing mortgage rates are the biggest reason for the price plunge.

“If mortgage rates continue to grow this autumn, we think this will weigh on homebuyer demand and cause prices to trend down.”

Even so, Haberle says Atlanta is very much a “sellers” market.
