Congregration of Remaining Stadium Church to Vote Sunday

Friendship Baptist Church

The Atlanta Falcons have come to its last major hurdle before securing a site just south of the Georgia Dome for its new billion dollar football stadium. 

Mt. Vernon Baptist Church finalized its buyout deal yesterday.

This Sunday, the congregation of Friendship Baptist Church votes on its offer.

Friendship’s board chair Lloyd Hawk said he and other church officials are aware neighboring Mt. Vernon Baptist finalized its deal.

“It’s good to have that uncertainty answered but it doesn’t impact what are final decision will be.”

The Falcons are offering $19.5 million. The deal also includes help from the city of Atlanta to relocate, possibly to a nearby location on the campus of Morris Brown College.

Hawk continues to believe it’s a good deal.

“Obviously we as a board would not have signed the agreement and made the recommendation to the congregation if we did not feel it was a deal that was fair and beneficial to the church.”

The vote is expected to take place after Sunday service at approximately 12 p.m.