County Groups Endorse Plan For Expanded DeKalb Police, Firefighter Hiring

Stonecrest City Alliance President Jason Lary says part of the reason the southeast DeKalb community wants to become a city is so it can hire its own police force. He says that’s because there are too few county officers to respond to the needs of Stonecrest citizens.As heard on the radio

“The problem is that there’s not enough [officers],” Lary says. “It’s 30 minutes or so before you can have a person out. “

So Lary says he was pleased when Interim County CEO Lee May announced a plan to hire 480 police officers and 300 fire fighters over the next three years to right size the departments.

May’s plan also calls for giving all sworn personnel 3 percent bonuses to boost retention, and Lary says that’s a good move.

“From what I’m hearing, is that other places [area cities] pay better, better benefits and those particular things,” Lary says.

Lary says more hires won’t stop his organization from pushing to incorporate. 

In Brookhaven, Chamber of Commerce director Todd Lantier says an understaffed county police force was also one reason why Brookhaven pursued incorporation – and he praised the CEO’s proposal.

“Seeing the police officers at an intersection or in a park or eating a restaurant or something is something I think a lot of citizens take a lot of pride in,” Lantier says.

Brookhaven does not pay for county police services, but it does use the county’s fire department.

May has not put a price on the proposal, though he says it will be ‘costly.’ He insists he doesn’t want to increase taxes in order to pay for the new hires and bonuses. But Lantier says it if a tax increase is needed, he wouldn’t be opposed.

“This is one of those situations where you could actually spend a little money here as an investment, knowing that eventually it’s going to have an impact on other areas, ultimately,” Lantier says.

May says there are nearly 200 spots in both county departments.

The proposal will be discussed during upcoming budget negotiations.