Government Shutdown Looms over Obamacare

The White House

  The clock is ticking for a possible government shut-down, and the Affordable Care Act is at the center of the storm.

Dr. Keith Kantor served as chairman of a health care advisory committee to the House of Representatives in 2011 and 2012.  

He says the health care law, also known as Obamacare, was never designed to fix the country's health care system.

“The government didn't plan this on common sense and business decisions.  They planned it politically, you know, you have to get it through the process.”

Kantor is also the CEO of the Service Foods business in Norcross, GA.

It took him 10 days to read the 2,300 page health care law.

An audio version of this story.

“So what's in the Affordable Care Act are many different mandates that try to get more people to have insurance and to try to hold the cost of insurance down,” says Kantor.

There's positive and negative aspects to the law, according to Kantor, but he says if not enough people sign up, financial concerns could emerge.

“Either the insurance policies are going to go up because insurance companies have to make a profit and pay their bills.  Or the government is going to have to come up with much larger subsidies, which means, you know, more government debt or taxes,” says Kantor.

Earlier this year, a number of large companies announced changes to medical coverage, citing the Affordable Care Act.

One example is UPS, which is dropping about 15,000 employee spouses from coverage, because they have the ability to get health care from their own employers.