Georgia Right To Life Accuses State Of Lax Abortion Oversight

The anti-abortion group Georgia Right to Life issued a report Tuesday, which it says details the state’s lax oversight of abortion services and providers. The result, it says, is a dangerous medical environment for women.As heard on the radio

Standing before a few supports inside the state capitol, Suzanne Ward of Georgia Right to Life reiterated the group’s agenda to bring an end to abortion in the state.

“That hasn’t changed,” Ward said. “But until that goal is reached, we believe women should have the highest standard of care.”

Ward says that’s why the group issued its 600-plus-page report. The goal, according to Georgia Right to Life President Dan Becker, is to spur lawmakers to tighten the state’s abortion regulations.

“It’s time for our lax regulatory environment to be addressed legislatively, which we are asking our legislators to do,” Becker says.

The report cites some state abortion clinics, including the Atlanta Women’s Medical Center, which now operates as the Atlanta Women’s Center, of being in violation of safety regulations, like not having an elevator or sprinkler system. Georgia Right to Life says that creates problems for patient safety in the case of an emergency.

Atlanta Women’s Center does not have an elevator, and in a statement, the center says it’s working to renew the waiver that has allowed it to operate without one in the past.

“AWMC follows a stringent set of alternate safety policies and conditions in order to operate without an elevator, and it is in the process of seeking renewal of the elevator waiver it has had in place for almost 20 years,” reads the statement. “Georgia Right to Life is simply not a credible source of information on abortion care.”

As for operating without a sprinkler system, the center says it’s not required by the state to have one.

“We’ve been in practice for over 20 years,” said center spokeswoman Jen Boulanger. “And we’ve provided safe care for that entire time. There is nothing in our building or nothing that we do in our safety procedures that puts people at risks.”

Georgia Right to Life says the information was collected over years with help from private organizations, citizens and both former and current clinic employees.

The group says it has presented its finding to state lawmakers, including Governor Nathan Deal.

Deal’s office could not be reached for comment on the report.