Georgia’s Real Estate Market Returning To Normal

 Georgia’s real estate market is returning to what realtors are calling a “delightful” normalcy.  Over the past 12 months, realtors have been seeing a number of positive trends.

One of them is a rise in the median home price in Georgia.  That’s according to Georgia Realtors’ year-to-year Housing Indicators for September.

Spokeswoman Brandie Miner says median home prices in Georgia rose to about $145,000.  That’s nearly a 30% jump.

“It certainly feels like a boom, but what we really are considering is that it’s more of a normalization even though the prices are really still posting double-digit increases.”The audio version of this story.

Miner says there were also more pending home sales and more new listings of available homes.

“Credit markets are loosening up and we’re seeing a lot more activity.  In general, talking to our realtors throughout the state, everyone is super-busy these days and that’s a great sign for the market.”

Miner says Atlanta’s housing numbers over the 12-month period were better than other cities in Georgia.