Briarcliff City Proponents Say Their Numbers Are Better than Lakeside’s

City of Briarcliff Initiative, Inc

  The group hoping to form the City of Briarcliff says its feasibility study shows it would be a better city than the proposed City of Lakeside.

The study, from the Carl Vinson Institute of Government at the University of Georgia, shows Briarcliff could pay for its services, with no tax increase, and end up with an annual surplus of almost $8 million, some 50% more than the surplus shown in a study for the proposed City of Lakeside which has overlapping boundaries with Briarcliff. The Vinson Institute also did that study.

  “We think that this shows that you can achieve those good numbers without having boundaries that exclude any neighborhoods,” says City of Briarcliff Initiative President Allen Venet.

He acknowledges Lakeside has more support from state lawmakers, and they who have to approve the formation of any new city. “We don’t deny for a moment that the politics are challenging, Venet told WABE. “Our hope is that we can say to the members of the legislature that our proposal really is a better idea.”The broadcast audio of the story.

  There is still a feasibility study on the way from the proposed City of Tucker, where the cityhood movement began in response to being included in Lakeside’s map.  Tucker organizers will make their study public Saturday.