Standards Tighten for Teachers, Training Programs

The state agency that certifies public school teachers is tightening its requirements. But, officials say all of the changes won’t happen overnight.

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The Georgia Professional Standards Commission says it’s setting a higher bar. Executive secretary Kelly Henson says college students entering the teaching profession will need to be better-prepared academically:

The test will be more rigorous,” Henson says. “That change has already happened. Effective October 2013, we rolled out all new teacher certification tests.”

In addition, he says, prospective teachers will also need to prove they can teach what they know by passing a test called the edTPA.

It uses extensive videotaping, extensive portfolios,” he says. “It is a very, very highly respected assessment that we think is going to add tremendously to our ability to give assurance that when a person completes their student teaching, they’re ready for the classroom.”

Other changes include an overhauled teacher evaluation system. Colleges and universities will also be held accountable. If their teachers don’t perform well over time, they could lose their teacher training program.

Henson says the changes will probably be implemented over a two-year period.