Niece Of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Opposes Gay Marriage

The niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Alveda King, talks with Rose Scott and Denis O'Hayer about her views on same-sex marriage on ''A Closer Look.''

The U.S. Supreme Court heard historic oral arguments Tuesday in the ongoing battle over same-sex marriage. At issue are two questions: whether banning gay marriage is constitutional and whether the states with same sex marriage bans in place can refuse to recognize gay marriages in other states.

Same sex marriage is not legal in Georgia. It is legal in 37 states and the District of Columbia, but 12 states, including Georgia, enacted constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriage and non-recognition laws.

The niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Alveda King, is opposed to legalizing same-sex marriage.

“I believe the Bible. I don’t believe that two men or two women can join in what’s called ‘holy’ matrimony and so should I be forced to go against my own beliefs in favor of a different belief?” King said.

King talked with Rose Scott and Denis O’Hayer about her views on same-sex marriage on “A Closer Look.”