Atlanta BeltLine Lantern Parade brings community, creativity and magic to Westside Trail

This year's annual Atlanta BeltLine Lantern Parade is Saturday, May 20. (Photo credit Steve Eberhardt)

There may be no better expression of community joy in Atlanta than our delightful lantern parades. Created by Chantelle Rytter and the Krewe of the Grateful Gluttons, the annual Atlanta BeltLine Lantern Parade has become a tradition, with lovelier and more elaborate lanterns making their appearances every year.

The party returns to Atlanta’s Westside Trail this Saturday, and anyone with a lantern can walk in the parade.

In this interview, “City Lights” senior producer Kim Drobes spoke with lantern maker extraordinaire Rytter about this year’s parade. 

“I think we do have a common calling to delight one another, and it just makes it such a nicer place to live when we do it,” says Rytter.

The Atlanta BeltLine Lantern Parade is this Saturday, May 20, and more information is available here.