WABE News Quiz, June 30, 2023


#1. Over 300,000 U.S. employees of this Atlanta-based corporation are expected to strike if their demands are not met by June 30.

It’s UPS.

The International Brotherhood of Teamsters, which represents 340,000 UPS workers, walked away from negotiations Wednesday, demanding that UPS give its “last, best, and final offer” no later than June 30.

#2. On Saturday, July 1, which controversial health care Georgia legislation is slated to go into effect (unless a judge issues a last-minute injunction)?

It’s SB 140.

The new law bans gender-affirming surgeries and hormone replacement therapies for those under 18.

The legislation is part of a nationwide effort by conservatives to restrict transgender athletes, gender-affirming care and drag shows. Senate Bill 140 is perhaps the most high-profile of the state’s new laws.

#3. Which Georgia-based institution was recently awarded $22.3 million to buy an electric bus fleet?

It’s Georgia State University.

The school will use the grant to replace the older diesel buses used in its Panther Express transit fleet with electric buses as part of its plan to transition to an all-electric fleet. The school will also use the grant to buy charging equipment for the new buses.

#4. Earlier this week, the Supreme Court ruled that colleges and universities must stop considering this factor when scanning admissions?

It’s Race.

The decision forced institutions of higher education to look for new ways to achieve diverse student bodies. In a 6-3 decision, the court struck down admissions plans at Harvard and the University of North Carolina, the nation’s oldest private and public colleges, respectively.

#5. Latino LinQ is organizing a project to create a mural on ________________ that celebrates Latino culture and identity.

It’s Buford Highway.

Latino LinQ received a $40,000 grant from Welcoming America as part of its Fund to Foster Belonging program to create the mural, which will be completed later this summer. It’s intended to “foster belonging among and between immigrant and non-immigrant communities.”


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