MARTA Police Chief Scott Kreher says his department’s number one goal is to make sure that its riders and citizens feel safe.
By bus or train, it’s estimated that more than a half million people ride the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority each day. But while they’re working to ensure daily safety, the MARTA Police Department (MPD) is also navigating a shortage of police officers.
“We are roughly about 50 officers short of where we should be right now,” explained Chief Kreher. “That doesn’t mean that it’s unsafe. We do a lot of things to help with that, between overtime and making our shifts change around a little bit to cover our busiest peaks.”
Kreher, a guest on Thursday’s edition of “Closer Look,” further explained to show host Rose Scott that the department recently received $1.4 million from Gov. Brian Kemp through the Public Safety and Community Violence Reduction Grant.
Kreher says the funding will be used to strengthen and expand community outreach programs and hire between four to five officers a year for the next couple of years.