Wednesday on “Closer Look with Rose Scott”:
- 0:00: Rose Scott gives a news brief on a memorial service in Charlottesville, Virginia, for 32-year-old Heather Heyer who was killed during last weekend’s violent clash between white nationalists and counter demonstrators. Also, Ambassador, and former Atlanta Mayor, Andrew Young remarks on the recent events.
- 3:00: Last November, voters said ‘no’ to Gov. Nathan Deal’s plan to takeover what the state has called low-performing schools, and a council has been formed to search for a Chief Turnaround Officer. We hear more from the council chairman Dr. Jimmy Stokes.
- 24:43: Sleep isn’t controlled by the brain alone. That’s according to a recent study by the Morehouse School of Medicine. We find out how these findings could lead to solving sleep disorders, and why good sleep is important from co-author of the study, neurobiologist, Christopher Ehlen.
- 42:00: We continue our look at criminal justice reform for juveniles, with a look at DeKalb County’s juvenile diversion program’s Valencia Breedlove.