Southern Museum of Civil War and Locomotive History makes history relevant for modern times

The Southern Museum of Civil War and Locomotive History in Kennesaw, Georgia, showcases the famous General Locomotive used in the “General Locomotive Chase of 1862. (Courtesy of Southern Museum and Kennesaw Museum Foundation)

The Southern Museum of Civil War and Locomotive History in Kennesaw, Georgia, opened in 1972. The museum showcases the famous General Locomotive used in the “General Locomotive Chase of 1862.”

That event elevated the engine and the City of Kennesaw to prominence during the Civil War. In this interview, Dr. Richard Banz, the Executive Director of Southern Museum and Kennesaw Museum Foundation, joined “City Lights” host Lois Reitzes to discuss the museum and its history.

“We strive to make Southern history relevant for our modern community and to encourage current dialog by sharing stories of individuals that have been traditionally ignored,” Banz said.

More information about the Southern Museum and Kennesaw Museum Foundation is available here.