WABE News Quiz, March 8, 2024

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#1. As candidates qualify for regional, state and federal offices in Georgia, which statewide body remains off the list to voters?

It’s the Public Service Commission.

Commissioners set electricity rates for Georgia Power and oversee how that electricity gets made, giving them extraordinary sway over many Georgians’ lives. But for the second consecutive election cycle, none will be on the ballot.

In 2022, a judge’s ruling in a lawsuit claiming racial discrimination under the Voting Rights Act halted two PSC elections. An appeals court reversed that ruling in November.


#2. House Bill 1341, which the House passed unanimously on Crossover Day, would designate _________ as the official state crustacean.

It’s white shrimp.

With HB 1341 now under consideration in the Senate, the Gold Dome was served with other food-based legislation with HB 1048 and SB 489.

House Bill 1048, sponsored by Republican Reps. Kasey Carpenter, David Huddleston, Mike Cameron and Kenneth Vance, would make cornbread the official state bread of Georgia.

SB 489 would make blueberries the official state berry.

#3. Pushed by primarily Republican Georgia lawmakers, HB 301 is one of several pieces of legislation that have been introduced or modified regarding which political issue?

It’s immigration.

The Committee on Public Safety approved a new version of HB 301 on Wednesday to impose more financial punishments on jurisdictions the state considers a sanctuary city, although there’s no one standard definition of what a sanctuary city is.

The legislation is one of several in response after an undocumented Venezuelan migrant was charged in the death of a young woman in Athens.

#4. On Thursday, which automotive company announced a pause in construction on a $5 billion manufacturing plant based in Georgia?

It’s Rivian.

The electric truckmaker had planned to start building its new R2 midsize SUVs at the Georgia site east of Atlanta. State and local governments offered an incentive package as large as $1.5 billion, one of the largest ever offered for an American auto plant.

However, on Thursday, CEO RJ Scaringe said production of the R2 will instead begin at Rivian’s existing plant in Normal, Illinois.

#5. Which of the following Georgia senators is a co-sponsor for SB 390, a bill that would sever ties between the American Library Association and state public and school libraries?

It’s Sen. Larry Walker.

Walker claims the ALA is influenced by “Marxist” ideology and he pushed cutting ties with the association after discovering his public library received a grant from the ALA to “diversify” its collection.

Earlier this week, the Perry-based senator joined WABE’s “Morning Edition” and discussed the reasoning behind severing ties with the ALA.


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