Ga. Motorists Advised To Be On Guard For Deer As Fall Approaches

Wildlife officials with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources recently sent out an alert that urged motorists to pay extra attention to the roadsides as the season of peak deer activity approaches.

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Police in North Georgia have responded to multiple reports of motorists colliding with deer in recent days — and state wildlife officials say the danger will escalate through the fall.

Rome police recently investigated three reports of deer crashing into moving cars within a two-day span, The Rome News-Tribune reported.

Rome is about 65 miles northwest of Atlanta.

Wildlife officials with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources recently sent out an alert that urged motorists to pay extra attention to the roadsides as the season of peak deer activity approaches.

“Keep in mind that deer often travel in groups, so if a deer crosses the road ahead of you there is a good chance that another will follow,” said Charlie Killmaster, state deer biologist. “In many cases, that second deer is the one hit as the driver assumes the danger has passed and fails to slow down.”

Drivers should keep in mind that deer are wild and unpredictable, Killmaster added. A deer calmly standing on the side of a road may bolt into or across the road — rather than away from it — when startled by a vehicle.

Deer mating season occurs between October and late December. Rush hour for most commuters tends to fall during the same hours in which white-tailed deer are most active — dawn and dusk, the Rome newspaper reported.