'Leap of Faith' shows civil discourse and love

The documentary "Leap Of Faith" will screen at Tara Theatre on Oct. 17 and 18. (Courtesy of Picturehouse)

In 2016, 1 in 6 people said they don’t talk to a family member due to conflicting beliefs. In 2022, that number grew to 1 in 4. Why has America become so divided that people can’t seem to have civil discourse over their differences?

This question is at the heart of Nicholas Ma’s new documentary “Leap of Faith.”  The film examines 12 diverse Christian leaders who gather over the course of a year at several retreats in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

The groups discusses hot-button issues at the forefront of our minds today, doing their best to listen and hold space for one another. “City Lights” producer Summer Evans spoke with Director Nicholas Ma via Riverside about the film, which will be screened at the Tara Theatre on October 18.

“What was so beautiful is that the pastors kept finding new ways of being together that involved them loving each other more, but without necessarily changing who they were,” said Ma about the group of Pastors that he interviewed, “when you talk about that issue with friends and family of people not talking to each other, I think that lies at the heart of it. We feel like the only way to be together is if we think the same thing. And I think that sort of deprives us of some of the great beauty and relationships in the world.”

More information on the Tara Theatre screening can be found on their website.