Metro Atlanta School Districts Prepare For Coronavirus

Most metro Atlanta public school districts have updated their websites to reflect the latest official health guidance on the coronavirus.


The Cobb County School District says health officials confirmed a case of coronavirus at Kincaid Elementary School on March 11. The school system decided to close Kincaid for 14 days, starting Thursday, March 12. No other Cobb County schools are closed at this time. The District says officials will clean and sanitize the campus while the school is closed to students and teachers. Students at Kincaid will continue receiving digital classroom content, the District says.

If more Cobb schools should have to close, here’s what the District plans to do:

“With one of the oldest virtual academies in the country, for almost two decades, Cobb has been delivering instruction to students through traditional and virtual classrooms. In the current environment, Cobb is well-positioned to continue to deliver content to students physically and digitally. We have strong relationships in place with health experts, including the Center for Disease Control and the Georgia Department of Health. We are in constant contact with them to make sure our policies and procedures are in line with their guidelines and guidance.”

Cobb website:

A Fulton County Middle School Teacher Tests Positive for Coronavirus

The Fulton County School System closed all of its schools Tuesday and Wednesday after a middle school teacher tested positive for coronavirus. Fulton Superintendent Mike Looney made the announcement Monday. He said the itinerant teacher worked at two different schools. Those schools, Bear Creek and Woodland middle schools closed early Monday. So did nearby Creekside High School in case students or faculty had contact with the infected teacher.

Looney said Fulton health officials were following up with families at the schools.

“We are providing…the Department of Health with the names and contact information for the students and…employees that we believe who might have direct contact,” Looney said at a press conference. “We are counting on them to do follow up with those families. We’re not healthcare providers.”

“We have a pandemic plan in place, which includes disinfecting and cleaning our schools,” Looney said. “We will be providing updates to our parents into the broader community as the hours and days pass. And we will be giving specific information about what actions we’re taking as relates to cleaning.”

All schools—with the exception of Bear Creek and Woodland—are scheduled to reopen Thursday.

Woodland will reopen Wednesday, March 18. Bear Creek will reopen Monday, March 23.

Looney said the District will post updates on this webpage:

 Cherokee County

Two private schools in Cherokee County shut down last week in “an abundance of caution.” A student at Living Science Academy tested positive for the virus and will remain at his house until March 12. The school, which teaches students in a homeschooled environment, will also remain closed until March 12. A nearby school, Compass Prep Academy, is closed until March 17 in case students or staff have interacted with the infected student.

A Cherokee County adult tested “presumptive positive” for the coronavirus. However, this person doesn’t work for or have any family members who work for or attend the Cherokee County public schools.

From the school district:

Other School Districts’ Plans for Coronavirus

Most metro Atlanta public school districts have updated their websites to reflect the latest official health guidance on the coronavirus. Some have gone a step further by updating their pandemic plans and preparing for alternative instruction in case schools have to close. Those plans usually include online learning or “hard copies” of assignments for students without internet access.

DeKalb County School District:

The District says it’s prepared to have students learn online should schools have to close:

In the event of a school closure because of an emergency, the school district will institute virtual learning days.  Teachers will provide students with a virtual learning assignment that is content-specific and relevant. Each assignment will be aligned to the standards and what the students are currently learning. Assignments may involve reading, writing, conducting research, performing mini labs, completing practice problems, taking notes, and/or answering questions. Students may complete assignments virtually and/or submit their assignments within one week after schools reopen.

Virtual learning access will be made available to students in grades 1-12 through VERGE. Pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students will receive hard copies of their virtual learning assignments.

District website:

Other DeKalb Guidance:

A cross-divisional coronavirus taskforce has been developed by Interim Superintendent Tyson to continually review current guidance from local, state and federal agencies and proactively identify a strategic response plan for the school district.

The DeKalb County School District continues to work collaboratively with our partners at the DeKalb Board of Health, DeKalb Emergency Management Agency, Centers for Disease Control and neighboring school districts to monitor the status of the potential coronavirus threat.

We know that prevention is important. Schools have been reminded of appropriate hygiene strategies to keep germs from spreading. We are also monitoring daily student and staff absences and ensuring that appropriate cleaning strategies are being used in all schools and centers. Keeping our students and staff safe remains our top priority.

The District is committed to sharing updates with parents/guardians, employees and other community stakeholders. We encourage all stakeholders to access the DeKalb County School District website (www, for updated guidance provided by our community health partners. The safety of our students and staff remains our top priority.

Clayton County Public Schools:

As it relates to planned District and school-based events, it has been determined that all events will be held as scheduled until further notice. Decisions regarding district activities will be made weekly as updates are received from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization, the State Board of Health and the Clayton County Board of Health.

Please note Clayton County Public Schools will activate and/or alter safety plans as appropriate to protect our students, staff, and stakeholders as needed. Individuals who are sick should visit their health care providers or the Clayton County Board of Health to receive the appropriate medical attention. It is encouraged that children and adults with illnesses stay home from work or school and avoid other people until they feel better. CCPS district leaders will address all illness-related attendance matters internally and at the direction of State Officials in the event of a declared state of emergency.

District website:

Gwinnett County Public Schools:

District website:

Atlanta Public Schools:

District websites:

Marietta City Schools:

District website:

City Schools of Decatur:

District website: