“Cakealikes” is a new Food Network cake competition series on Discovery plus. The show challenges bakers to create life-sized cake replicas of famous celebrities. Two Atlanta bakers, Christina Bjorn and Tasha Taylor are a part of that competition. They are the dynamic duo known as “Bake Girl Magic.”
Bjorn owns “Not Your Nana’s Bakery” and Taylor is the owner of “SugarHi Sweets Eats N Treats” in Atlanta. Their episode, along with others is available to stream now on Discovery+.
Interview Highlights:
About “Bake Girl Magic:”
“‘Bake Girl Magic’ is a sisterhood, right now comprised of myself and Tasha. It started as a partnership within the cake community, showing unity, growth, and support with each other in doing competitions and events where we can team up. It is really a play on words from the terminology ‘Black Girl Magic,’ which is a lot about empowering women of color and specifically Black women doing great things and entrepreneurial things with a sort of flare and swagger that is unmatched. *laughs* It’s something that we’re very proud of. And that’s something we take as Black women business owners and put it into the cake industry,” said Bjorn.