Georgia political experts analyze assassination attempt of former President Trump

The attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump sent shockwaves across the political landscape over the weekend. Just days after the shooting, Trump is expected to be nominated as the GOP presidential candidate at the Republican National Convention.

On Monday’s edition of “Closer Look,” host Rose Scott spoke with political experts and received reactions from Georgia voters.

First, Fred Hicks, an Atlanta-based political strategist, and former Wisconsin Congressman Scott Klug share their reaction to the attempted assignation of Trump and the instances of political violence in the U.S.

Plus, WABE politics reporter Rahul Bali shares responses from Georgia’s elected leaders.

Retired veteran political journalist Denis O’Hayer also discusses the messaging from both parties and the importance of Democrats and Republicans changing their messaging moving forward to appeal to undecided voters.

Note of clarification: A previous version of this news story described these guests as political leaders. They are actually political experts.