Area Commencements Begin As Keynote Speakers Set To Address 2012 Graduates

The final exams are over and the invitations have hopefully gone out.

May is commencement month for most of the area colleges and universities.

Renowned neurosurgeon Dr. Benjamin Carson will speak at Emory University’s commencement ceremony.

Gary Hauk is vice president and deputy to the president of Emory University.

He says the president’s office looks to students to help select the keynote.

Hauk says the wish list usually starts with dozens of suggestions, “but I ask them to canvas their classmates and get suggestions and nominations from their friends and everybody that you would guess is on there from Oprah to Barak Obama to Nicolas Sarkozys.”

Spelman College graduating political science major Lauren Morton co-wrote a letter to this year’s speaker.

“We practice what we preach and we produce women who are challenged to change the world and we try to have commencement speakers who have done just that, so this year we’ll have Oprah,” says Morton.

This coming Saturday at the Georgia Dome, Governor Nathan Deal will address Georgia Tech graduates.

The next day President and CEO of Feeding America Vicki B. Escarra will speak to Georgia State’s graduating class.